A Dream Catcher
Make a Lampe Dream-catcher: Repurpose also the metallic lamp shades to make adorable looking dreamcatchers at home! Here the metallic lamp shade has first been wrapped in the leather suede and then the inside space has been filled by lacing the yarn web or braids and the custom beads have also been slipped onto the yarn during the braiding! The Dream catcher now comes in all sizes and a great variety of designs. Depending on the artist making them and how they were taught. These instructions are the most basic of design and materials. We leave it up to you to choose how you want to finish the decoration of your Dream Catcher.
A dream catcher is a handmade object based on a hoop with a woven web of sinew strands in it that has feathers, beads, and crystals attached. It is hung in the tipi or lodge. Learn how to make a Dreamcatcher in this simple step by step DIY tutorial. This dreamcatcher tutorial is for kids and also for those that are beginners. The legend of a dream catcher is originated from the Ojibwe Native American Indian Tribe. It is a traditional belief that dream catcher can filter out bad dreams and allow good dreams to pass through the center and slide down the soft feathers to the sleepers.

Dream catchers are one of the most fascinating traditions of Native Americans. The traditional dream catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through. The positive dreams would slip through the hole in the center of the dream catcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams would get caught up in the web, and expire when the first rays of the sun struck them.
A Dream Catcher Legend
The dream catcher has been a part of Native American culture for generations. One element of Native American dream catcher relates to the tradition of the hoop. Some Native Americans of North America held the hoop in the highest esteem, because it symbolized strength and unity. Many symbols started around the hoop, and one of these symbols is the dream catcher.

A Dream Catcher Surfside Beach

Dream Catcher Lore:
Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams both good and bad. The dream catcher when hung over or near your bed swinging freely in the air, catches the dreams as they flow by. The good dreams know how to pass through the dream catcher, slipping through the outer holes and slide down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The bad dreams not knowing the way get tangled in the dream catcher and perish with the first light of the new day.
A Dream Catcher Design
How the Dream Catcher is made:
A Dream Catcher Tattoo
Using a hoop of willow, and decorating it with findings, bits and pieces of everyday life, (feathers, arrow heads, beads, etc) the dream catcher is believed to have the power to catch all of a person’s dreams, trapping the bad ones, and letting only the good dreams pass through the dream catcher.